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FoodIn has launched an e-shop with local food

FoodIn has launched an e-shop with local food

With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent quarantine, interest in food has increased. Concerns about visits to stone shops and the need to pre-stock, however, shifted a significant part of online purchases, which, among others, also affected small Czech producers who offer local food. The catering company FoodIn decided to help them at least a little and newly launched its own e-shop offering a range of proven suppliers.

Crisis as an opportunity

The current restrictions and bans have hit many entrepreneurs hard, who have suddenly lost the opportunity to do business. This forced many of them to adapt quickly to the situation. One of them is the renowned catering company FoodIn, which responded to the current situation by launching an e-shop with food from small local producers.

Long-term proven suppliers

Until recently, FoodIn offered its clients catering with an emphasis on the locality of individual ingredients. The owner of the company, Petra Pavičová, has always carefully selected and purchased all raw materials and products for the preparation of catering directly from small Czech farmers, growers and small producers. Even their suppliers were hit hard by the current situation, when a number of regular customers had to stop their operations.

Shopping with benefits

Long order deadlines, unavailable items, non-delivery of ordered food, delayed deliveries. All this is often the result of a significant overload of the most famous online grocery stores. A smaller alternative such as FoodIn Market offers secure shopping in an online environment where all offered items are in stock and available. In addition, they allow you to pick up your purchase on the day of ordering directly at the company's headquarters in Battist's brickyard in Ďáblice, where you can safely load the purchase into the customer's car. For those interested, FoodIn Market also offers home delivery, which is free within Prague.

Varied selection of Czech local products

In addition to individual products, FoodIn also offers four types of boxes with a mix of products. You can choose boxes with dairy, meat, vegan and mix products. If you do not want the finished mix in a box, you can of course order the food of your choice. In the meat section you will find organic beef from the Kozohorský or Rudimov farm, Kočár's rabbits, pork from the RED PIG farm, chicken from the Loužná Farm and meat products such as bresaola, prosciutto, lamb or beef sausages and more. The e-shop also offers a wide range of dairy products. Goat's dairy products are supplied by the Dřevec or Oldřiš farm, the cow's Struhy, Oldřiš or Statík Oblík farms, which also supply sheep's cheese. Those interested in vegetarian and vegan products will also enjoy themselves. Fragrant herbs are supplied by the Happy Salads farm.
