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Meeting with Mr Tom Bulleit

Meeting with Mr Tom Bulleit

May was full of garden events and one great one was waiting for us at the end. On May 24, we were part of the Bulleit bourbon party organized by Ultra Premium Brands.

And the task was: Prepare a burger with Bulleit bourbon dressing. That was a challenge. But first we had to test Bulleit bourbon properly, didn't we? :) ... and then, because it's delicious, everything went by itself. Even Mr. Tom Bulleit himself enjoyed the burger. It's a pity we don't have a picture of how you came to talk to us in our FoodIN-truck. It was an experience. We talked about his beginnings, he asked about ours as well. He acknowledged our concept and finally wished us good luck .... it's just nice to meet such a nice person who didn't give up his dream journey ! That's great energy, and when the guests of the event go for it ... you can't even describe it ... It was great, thanks again to everyone involved! We like to cater for nice people.

The words of one of the rare guests who enjoyed our Bulleit burger ... "It's just a composition like great sushi" ... can't be forgotten! :)

Tom Bulleit